Zoom Meeting - useful set up notes - Grant
Hello SAG Zoomers
Our SAG Zoomers could do with getting familiar with these simple aspects which will help them enjoy the meetings by:-
People unfamiliar with Zoom to have a practice go with Grant in the days before the meeting.
People can log in 15 mins before the meeting to get their system sound and video working with Grant if it helps them.
Using Zoom in an SAG Meeting:-
Laptops appear to be the simplest and most effective way to use Zoom.
Make sure your camera is at eye level (put an iPad on an easel and it is connected to the mains if there is a risk it will run out)
Make sure you are not silhouetted with light behind you.
Know how to bring up the Zoom bar, so that you can unmute your mic, select participant's view to see who is in the meeting, see messages and exit from a meeting etc.
Practice going between "Speaker View" (Speaker is large) and "Gallery View" (you see everyone)
How to mute and unmute their microphones
Keep the background noise down when a person is talking, so it keeps them in view.
Put Tablets into landscape view (not portrait )
Please sign in with your name - not defaulted to your phone make
Add a picture of you in your Zoom profile so people can be identified.
Set up your works on an easel to show people.
If you want to make your paintings be displayed even better send them to Cliff or Grant to share on their screens. Or share them directly from your machine.