Subscriptions 2024/25
To pay by card Click on the appropriate image or text and choose the membership subscription suitable for you
To pay by bank transfer enter Stafford Art Group 01-08-32 account number 02361485
The membership level for you:
Standard Membership offers the artist access to the full programme of art related activities including twice weekly meetings - Demonstrations and workshops* by guest artists - Model and still life sessions -Opportunities to display their works in their personal online gallery and at public exhibitions including Plein air and urban sketching.
Associate Membership for artists unable to attend regular weekly meetings but wish to maintain their links with Stafford's principle arts organisation. Associate members enjoy: - meeting with fellow artists on Zoom, participation in art challenges - attendance at demonstrations and workshops by guest artists - Participation in plein air and urban sketching events and the facility to display works at public exhibitions.
Young Artists age Eighteen or under display their work on the Group's website - Attend (in the company of an adult, if under Sixteen
), weekly meetings including demonstrations by guest artists. -
Obtain encouragement and support from member artists and help with projects associated with education or personal development