Spring Exhibition at Oddfellows

Friday 17th and Saturday 18th March was our Spring Exhibition at Oddfellows. The weeks of planning and preparation resulted in an excellent exhibition, with around 20% of all paintings sold! This has just demonstrated that we are now back on track after a lean few years due to Covid.
The exhibition welcomed visitors with painting demonstrations at the entrance by Cliff and Stuart. Works of art at strategic points up the stairs led visitors into the main room, where a wonderful range of art work could be viewed. The cafe once again offered opportunity to rest with teas, coffees and a selection of home made cakes.
There seemed to be a steady stream of visitors over the 2 days, and a large number of our visitors showed interest in joining SAG. A very successful exhibition on all counts!
A huge thank you to all the members involved in the mammoth task of preparing and delivering our Spring Exhibition.