Tom Shepherds Workshop  15 Feb 20 Grant's notes


Workshop topic was painting street scenes with acrylics

Grant's own brief working key notes, from Tom Shepherds workshop day 15 Feb 2020

Eight of us attended from SAG.

First, we had a demo of how to paint basic people shapes for use in our paintings. Then we tried: -

Based on the carrot shapes with shadows. Biggest general mistakes are to make the head too big and the shoulders square.

Next demo, this was how to see the blocks of tone are added in a setting and block them in.

Line Draw first then block the main dark tones, then the grey tone blocks, keep half closing your eyes to see the tone values better.

Then a quick discussion on paints - he was using Liquitex heavy body paints without any additives, and used Blue Yellow Red, White and Black on mixed media paper.

Next was a 25 minute demo of painting the street scene by Tom: 

Start with a background of the primaries mixed. Allow to dry.

If the dominant subject is people put them in first else block in with tonal colours of blue-black and brown.

Add the people and their shadows ...keep getting the paint on... more is better until you get what is needed. Don't worry about faults just keep painting over them with acrylics!! It covers so well.

Big blocks of colour, all the time making sure the tones are correct.

Then break down each large block into ever smaller ones and keep repeating.. paint a colour & check tones.

At this stage acrylics usually look crude.

For fine detail don't use water.

Thicker paint makes blending easier on the paper.

Highlight the people's heads and shoulders based on the light direction.

Add interesting details to create interest.

Accentuate the colours from reality - use your imagination.

Remember to keep half closing your eyes to see the tone values better.

The general feedback was of a very successful workshop that went all too quickly.

Grant Parker, 20 Feb 20