Resident Artist - Shane Wiseman 'Landscapes'

Today Shane made one of his regular visits to Littleworth. He began todays session with a quick watercolour landscape. Using a small photograph as a reference, Shane planned out his scene - using low tac tape on the paper to provide a guideline for the horizon. Mixing and blending colours, the sky was added with a few lightbeams lifted out from the still wet sky. The addition of the background cliffs quickly illustrated the background scene.
After carefully removing the tape, Shane added colour for the foreground rocks , developing texture by pulling and pushing the wet paint with an old credit card. A natural sponge provided the texture for distant trees, and the credit card was used to provide the texture of rippling waves in the sea.
After a mere 10 minutes Shane had created his quick landscape, just showing how a scene can be put together really quickly as a starting point.
Shane is available on these sessions to offer advice where needed to any members, he will support any media or subject matter. A great resource for the Group!