Mental Health Awareness Week May 2021


Week ending 15th May 2021 was Mental Health Awareness week.  Many people find that being creative, in whatever way, helps improve their mental health.  Below are some articles that reinforce this finding.

Artist, Georgie Mason, explores the interconnectedness of man, art and nature.   In her interview for Mental Health awareness week, Georgie discusses mindfulness, learning, and the English landscape.  Follow the link to her interview by clicking on Georgie Mason 

 Lara Robinson, landscape painter, discusses the relationship between Art and Wellbeing in this article.  To go to her account, click on the word article.

Have you ever been so immersed in art that you have completely lost track of time?  The act of concentrating when we are involved in creating something is akin to meditating.   

Painting, sketching, photography, writing, colouring (see below) etc. are all naturally mindful, great ways to induce calm and inner tranquility. 

Video artist, Coco Bee's, watercolour tutorial is aimed at bringing us into a meditative state. Click on Jane's coloured fish to see Coco's tutorial.