David Brevitt

September 26th SAG welcomed ex-member David Brevitt . David is an established portrait painter working in oils. Today he demonstrated his skills and techniques in painting a portrait of Pep Guardiola.
Dave began with a photograph from the internet which he used for todays portrait. Starting with a grid, Dave transferred the image onto his board. Using the photograph he began to block in areas , working on all areas of the face rather than concentrating on any particular feature. He emphasized that is important to him to refer to the photograph closely, reproducing the colours , the lights and darks, but trying not to think about what the image is particularly.
During the 2 hour session, Dave continued to develop the portrait, building the face expertly. Amazing to watch such a clear likeness appear on a flat surface. The addition of a black background really made the face come to life. He left adding the fine lines of the brow to last- explaining that these are often one of the trickier aspects.
Dave is a well practiced portraitist, and seems to paint effortlessly. He follows traditional methods, and is not swayed by gimmicks or fancy equipment. His results speak for themselves. A privilege to watch.
David's portaiture workshop will be coming soon. Please sign up on the noticeboard.